VSTM3940GDV3T - Gen3 USS 3-9x40 Scope W/Red Dot/Mil-dot Tan/FDE
Rating:5 / 5 - 5 - Excellent
Owned Product for:less than 1 year
Pros:If you're building an AR-15 in FDE flatdark earth, this is the 3-9x40 Scope with Red Dot you need. This scope lives up to its features and then some.
Other thoughts:
Rating:5 / 5 - 5 - Excellent
Owned Product for:more than 1 year
Pros:This 3-9x40 Scope Is Great! is more than anyone can want for an AR-15 M&P 15 SPORT II rifle; it has everything in a small package: red dot sight, bullet drop compensation QD picatinny mount I love it.
Other thoughts:The with illuminated reticle is great for any time of the day.